In Lima with two events:
in the Bella Vista Callao Cultural Park. Thanks to the artist Carmen Rodriguez Arrollo. The “Fernando Belaunde Terry” College attended.
At the Italian Sports Club with drawings by over 100 children and adolescents, from 18 Residential Reception Centers (CAR), from 11 regions of the country. Thanks to the Pérez Araníbar Volunteer Association of Child Care, represented by its president Mrs. Irene Chumbiauca, in union with the National Volunteer Center – CENAVOL Peru chaired by Mrs. Fiore di Maria De Argumeniz.

Dr. Eleazar Crucinta Ugarte, rector of UNSAAC and president of the association ′ ′ COLORS FOR PEACE ′ ′ in Peru Carol Lopez Trujillo, inaugurated the international traveling exhibition ′ ′ TOGETHER FOR PEACE ′ ′ at the Inka Museum, where you will be able to appreciate works by children and Cusqueños artists in homage to Peru on their Bicentennial.
Sacred Valley of the Incas: inspired by children’s drawings, a group of American artists elaborate their works surrounded by the magnificent landscape that surrounds them.

In Tamburco Abancay ′ ′ city of eternal spring ′ ′. Lady Valer Sullcahuaman Responsible for the defense of children and women of the Municipality of Tamburco, as well as Francy Orosco López Director of the Educational Institution 208 ′ ′ Micaela Bastidas ′ .
