Ecuador - Guayaquil:
On the occasion of the Bicentenary of the City, the City of Guayaquil opened its doors to I Colori per la Pace for an exhibition dedicated to doctors who fight covid19. The event was carried out with the Almirante Illingworth Naval Academy. The vernissage was opened with the sound of “Silence” by a Municipal Police Officer. The Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Ecuador, Eliseo Mosconi, delivered a letter of thanks addressed to the Mayor of Guayaquil, Cynthia Viteri, sent by the President of our Association, Antonio Giannelli. Welcomed by the Vice President of the I Colori per la Pace Association Edgar Erazo
they honored us with their presence:
-Greece Cando, Guayaquil Councilor for Culture;
-Fernando Ciprian, International Relations Manager Guayaquil;
-Mons Luis Cabrera, Archbishop of Guayaquil;
-Eliseo Mosconi, Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Ecuador;
-George Fricson, City Councilor of Duale and Ecuador National Footballer.