Badie Jahjah
Ambassador Syria
Artist and graphic designer.
Founder and CEO of BJ Concept, advertising and Logo Concept Establishment. Founder of (Dar Rufuf), publishing house.
Founder and CEO of the AlefNooon Gallery, Spiritual Art.
He holds a degree in Fine Arts, visual communication and advertising from the University of Damascus.
Instructor at Al-Kalamoun University, he taught Graphic Design Fundamentals, Member of the Union of Fine Arts, Damascus, Syria.
As an artist: Researcher of spiritual art in particular Dervisci and Whirling Concept Creator of Afala Concept; a thought project.
He has participated in various international fairs and exhibitions.
To mention ” A Thinking Project ” (event that combined paintings of Dervishes, theater, music and cinema), Opera House, Damascus, Syria. Project (Colors and thoughts for peace in Syria) with the cooperation between the Alefnooon Gallery and the Syrian Ministry of Education.
A series of exhibitions in Dubai and other United Arab Emirates. Exhibition at the Mudic Matera Museum. Essenement in Athene Greece etc.
As a graphic designer: he has more than 20 years of experience in brand management and in the design of logos and corporate identity. Developed over 150 logos for companies in the public and private sector, as well as for international organizations.

Ambassadors &

Mariana Turchio
Ambassador Argentina
Doctor of Art, Curator and Critic.
She have created and recommended more than 200 individual and collective exhibitions of contemporary visual artists.
Started in Argentina, where she had the opportunity to set up exhibitions for many artists in very emblematic places such as the home of the Santa Fe Province in Buenos Aires, up to the Congress of the Nation.
Executive Director of the Mercosur Museum of Contemporary Art. From there She started working in various countries of Latin America, Europe and Asia (China).
Specialized in Pre-Columbian and Aboriginal art and in 2010 She was chosen among the ten best critics in Latin America and from there a book was published entitled “Educating and learning in museums” with a work on the new image of women in Latin America.
She currently lives in DUBAI.
She deals with advising clients and art collectors, as a researcher and sale of works of art, especially classic and continuing to perform internationally.
Anna Villalta
Ambassador Canada
Anna Villalta is a passionate Italian-Canadian educator with extensive experience and a comprehensive understanding of Canada's multicultural educational system. Her diverse 24-year career as a teacher and principal, as well as a school administrator for the past decade, has driven her to create inclusive and united communities across various educational settings.
To further expand her knowledge of leadership and inclusive education, Anna is also pursuing a Ph.D. at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. By merging academic knowledge with educational practice, Anna has championed best practices for equity in schools, shared groundbreaking research findings on inclusive education at conferences, and collaborated with various community organizations to foster equitable and inclusive systems. Her work has had a significant impact that extends well beyond the classroom.
Anna's strong belief in the transformative power of education defines her role as a teacher. Her vibrant personality, lifetime experience, and passion for harmonious communities offer those who encounter her the opportunity to become agents of peace. Anna's commitment to achieving global harmony makes her an ideal candidate as an Ambassador for Colors for Peace, where she will dedicate her time to creating more inclusive and peaceful societies.

Carol Lopez Trujillo
Ambassador Perù
Born in the city of Abancay – Peru and growth in the city of Cusco known as the capital of the Inca empire.
Graduated as a professional artist with a specialization in Drawing and Painting at the “Diego Quispe Tito” University of the City of Cusco
CulturAmbiente Association ARTIST OF PEACE 2019 – Europe-E.E.U.U
Association Rome Capital Italy Europe, FOR ARTISTIC WORK –
La Lupa.
Municipio I Roma Capitale, recognition for artistic work
Medal assigned by the annexed Consul of Peru to Rome: Álvaro G. Martínez Baluarte FOR THE WORK OF PERUVIANS ABROAD
Maco Vargas
Ambassador Lima
Photographer and graphic designer for several years, aware of the fact that taking beautiful photos was not the way to make art, I decided to study the Latin American Master of Fotografía Contemporánea at the Centro de la Imagen, Lima-Peru and I obtained the Master in 2015.
I am passionate about topics related to aesthetics, color and shape and I normally avoid those related to unpleasant situations, however I like to analyze the human condition and take photos that document situations that can be improved, to motivate a reflection on them.
My work has been selected twice in the Arte Laguna Price and also in the SeeMe Exposure competition.
He has taken part in several international exhibitions in different cities such as Dubai, Izmir, Matera, Miami, New York, Paris, Tehran, Vienna, Venice, among others.

Saleh Tuwel
Ambassador Libyan
I was born in Misurata in 1948 and since 1967 I have come periodically to Italy dealing with import-export.
This work allowed me to travel and learn about many cultures.
In my life I have had the opportunity to get in touch with numerous personalities.
I have always been committed to peace and cooperation between peoples.
I am very worried about the war in my country which involves several countries and which my land is a victim of. Italy was my second home.
Myriam Kruisheer -Ortega
Ambassador Netherlands
Supervisor of Mexico
She has traveled the world for the past 42 years and has achieved a remarkable level of cultural understanding of Arab, Chinese and universal art.
Transmits a simple message of friendship, love, respect and peace through the fine arts of cultural diplomacy, as well as identifying common ground between cultures and religions.

Josue’ Monteiro
Ambassador Cape Verde
Graduated in Theology at the Nazarena do Brasil Faculty, he has participated in numerous training courses of the Ministry of Education, the Church of the Nazarene and the “A Ponte” Association.
In September 2002, he was sworn in as parish priest of the Church of the Nazarene in Relva ilha do Fogo.
Appointed in 2003 by the Ministry of Education, teacher of personal and social training for the secondary school of Mosteiros.
Over the years he has received various positions: member of the committee for the fight against HIV / AIDS in the municipality of Mosteiros, President of the School Discipline Council, trainer in the center for employment and professional training in Fogo, Deputy Director for social affairs and Community, Supervisor to the training of the “Escola da Familia” programme of the DGGAEA.
In 2012 he moved to Ribeira Brava as Pastor in the Church of the Nazarene.
Here he is the Coordinator of Evangelism, Coordinator of the Nazarene Youth International, head of the Communication and Image area at the MED delegation, Head of the Municipality of Ficase in São Nicolau.
He is president of the General Assembly of the CRP in São Nicolau, is part of the committee of the Municipal Health Commission of Ribeira Brava, and conducts a radio broadcast.
Tatiana Maritz
Ambassador Czech Republic
Graduated as a psychologist at the Russian Pedagogical University of Herzen.
Founder and director of numerous projects: World for Kids – a project of the Czech Association for the Education of Children “Lukas”.
S-luka photo studio – located in Prague and tailored to your needs. Creative space for creative people. “Angels of Peace” – international calendar for children – a world of light, goodness and family values.
These aren’t just designs, they’re designs that can talk.
Organizer of an international exhibition for children in which more than 2500 drawings from 27 countries participate.
The children’s calendar is a joint project of the international artistic project “Angels of Peace” and of the iInternational guide for children “World for kids” together with the partners of the Italian Association “I COLORI PER LA PEACE”

Yea Kyung Jeong
Ambassador South Korea
Graduated from the Mogweon University of Daejeon and post-graduate Master in Gongju.
Diploma in opera singing at the A.I.D.M. From Rome. Diploma in opera direction A.R.T. From Rome.
2008-2013 Head of the Cultural and Artistic Committee of the Korean community in Italy.
2010 Ambassador for the promotion of Paekche’s cultural heritage.
2010-2019 Ambassador for traditional Korean paper Hangi in Wonju.
2013 Ambassador for International Garden Exhibition Suncheon Bay Korea.
2013-2014 Member of the organizing committee of the Milan Triennale designed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
President of the K.A.E. Association (Korea Art in Europe), organizer of shows in Korea and Europe
Abel Nazaire
Ambassador Haiti
Former Minister of Youth, Sports, and Civic Action has always remained a staunch advocate for the youth. According to him, if young people were appropriately placed at the center of all activities, it could improve the socio-economic conditions of the nation. He believes that his country should invest heavily in the youth.

Tatiana Tikhonova
Ambassador Russia
From Volgograd.
President of the “T-Fashion” Association registered with CONI, he deals with events, art and fashion.
Organizer of the international fashion project “Pisa Fashon Days”.
Member of the Russian Citizens Coordination Center in Italy.
Emily Barsi
Ambassador Germany
Art historian and curator, she graduated in art history from the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich.
Since 2009 she has curated contemporary art projects and collaborates with international galleries and institutions.
She has been an ambassador for Germany since 2015.

Sheikha Obaid Khamis
Ambassador United Arab Emirates
The first Emirati to hold a Master’s degree in mental disabilities and autism.
She works as Acting Head of Activities Section at Zayed Higher Organization for People with Determination in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Hatixe Topalli
Ambassador North Macedonia
Born on May 3, 1973, Hatixe Topalli graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy at St. "Kliment Ohridski" in Skopje. She is a certified pedagogy teacher, holding a degree in primary education and preschool education. She recently earned the title of Educator-Mentor.
Currently, she works as a teacher at the "Petar Zdravkovski-Penko" elementary school in Skopje/Butel. She is the author of the book "National Costumes" and a workbook for first and fourth grades. Hatixe also serves as an external collaborator for the development of new curricula from first to fifth grade in the subject of the Albanian language and is a trainer for the second module of the new concept of primary education.

Flavia Sbragia
Ambassador Brazil
Italo – Brazilian born on July 15, 1980 in the city of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil Her paternal grandfather was an Italian born in Lucca and was the founder of the Lucchesi nel Mondo – Sezione di Rio de Janeiro Association, which she has been part of since its foundation in 1984. He graduated in Social Communication, qualifications in Advertising & Public Relations. Worked with publishing small newspapers, websites, among others and in Media Education.
Since 2014 he has been President of Associazione Lucchesi nel Mondo – Sezione di Rio de Janeiro.
Today she works in the Tourism area and has a website about the Tuscan Region.
Joined I Colori per la Pace in 2016.
Kalina Dimitrova
Ambassador Bulgaria
I love working with children and that determined my choice of profession.
I became a teacher. I have a Bachelor’s degree in primary school teaching and a Master’s degree in English for junior high school.
This allowed me to enter the classroom in the spring of 2015.
I started teaching in Elementary school “Bratya Miladinovi” in September 2018.
Together with the children we started preparing for different celebrations in which the children participated with great joy.

Ajay Deshar
Ambassador Nepal
Ajaya Deshar as an artist from Kathmandu, has always been conscious of the rich heritage – the tradition of art and festivals.
He always remained fascinated with the reflective glares of light made on the facial contours of the worshippers during such ceremonies. Ajaya as an artist has clearly demonstrated he has a confident ability to transfer his thoughts into visuals.
He is one of the Art activist and Founder of Young Picasso (A Community School of Fine Art ) .
He has also started a nationwide art campaign “Art Walkathon”, visiting, talking, training and educating not only affluent city dwellers but also children in remote villages to bring hidden talents to light. Ajay Deshar is not just a artist, but a visionary artist with a mission.
Maria Grazia Fanelli Stephens
Ambassador Micronesia
Master’s degree in Economics and Commerce obtained with a 110/110 University of L’Aquila rating.
I Level University Master in Banking, with honors. University of Teramo.
Certificate of Executive English ‘Finance and Banking’ University of California, USA.
Certified in Management Vancouver School Board, Canada.
Learning for Nature, UNDP: Management Planning (Conservation Areas) Peace Park Development and Management.
Director and founder of the NGO KATO (Kosrae Association of Tourism Operators) for environmental protection and responsible tourism promotion.
Project Manager Micronesia Eco Corporation, Kosrae, Micronesia, a waste management company in Micronesia to facilitate the recycling of plastic bottles, aluminum cans, glass bottles, car batteries.
Owner of Micronesia Grand Tour.
Consultant to Pacific Treelodge Resort, Bully’s Restaurant, an eco-dive.

Carolina Acosta
Ambassador Uruguay
Degree in International Relations
UDELAR ‘‘Law School’’
Diploma in Foreign Trade ‘’National Chamber of Commerce and Services’’
Diploma in Business Administration,
UTU ‘’Pedro Blanes Viale Technical School’’
Mum of Bianca.
Karolina Bartulovic
Ambassador Croatia
She was born on March 26, 1964 in Banja Luka, where she finished high school.
Afterwards she completed her studies at the Faculty of Traffic Sciences, Department of Telecommunication, University of Zagreb.
Presently employed at the Association of Fine Artists “Fortuna-ART” since 1994.
Organized painting exhibitions, art colonies and workshops of humanitarian character in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Russia.
Successfully organized international projects related to children’s creativity “Yenisei Mosaic” and “Colors for Peace” where students from Croatia presented themselves in Russia and Italy.
She is the project leader of the painting project “Angels of Peace” for Croatia as part of the international painting project “Angels of Peace” operating from Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
Associate of the portal and the
She is a member of Fortuna-ART, Association of Fine Artists.

Luljeta Muçaj
Ambassador Kosovo
Graphic Designer, Art Teacher, and Artist. She teaches visual arts at the Ismail Qemali Public School in Pristina.
As an artist, she has exhibited in both solo and group shows in her home country and abroad, including locations such as Dubai, London, New York, and Montenegro.
Christophe Essomba Mandeng
Ambassador Cameroon
Evangelical Pastor and Educator. He is the Founding President of the Humanitarian Association Without Borders, headquartered in Lyon, France.
As a missionary in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé in Cameroon, he supports the enrollment of children and young people in schools of all levels and grades.

Didi Ananda Kalika
Ambassador Mongolia
An Australian yoga teacher residing in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. She is a nun of Ananda Marga, a global spiritual and humanitarian organization founded in 1955 by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar of India, also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.
In 1995, she founded the Lotus Children's Center to improve the lives of numerous street children by providing them with shelter and food. The Center aims not only to meet the physical needs of the children but also to help them break the cycle of poverty by offering quality education, counseling, and life skills. The Center further assists the youth in subsequently finding suitable employment or placement in higher education.
Tanjima Tabassum Easha
Ambassador Bangladesh
A graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Dhaka, she is an established artist who has exhibited in numerous shows both in her home country and abroad, including Germany and Nepal. As a volunteer, she has conducted master classes for children and teenagers.

Sindy Lorena Venegas Barillas de González
Ambassador Guatemala
A graduate in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, she is a Teacher, Lawyer, and Notary.
Vahida Hasanaga Nimanbegu
Ambassador Montenegro
An artist who graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Belgrade.

Lizette Garriga
Ambassador Puerto Rico
Sandra Colina
Ambassador Venezuela

Gissella Gudiño
Ambassador Panama